Episode 118 - No Man Is An Island

Episode 118 - No Man Is An Island
Special Guest Star - Jason Plays

Just another day in the Euclid Galaxy. No Man’s Sky screenshot.

We’re happy to welcome video game streamer Jason Plays (@jasonplaysnms) to discuss, among many topics, our mutual love of No Man’s Sky. We talk about its notorious debut in 2016, rebound in 2018 and how it continues to grow in 2023. We also look about the free update strategy employed by Sean Murray and Hello Games, is there a method to their updates and things like Expedition events and what the future holds for the game and studio.

The podcast was recorded on the same day that Microsoft announced their highly-anticipated exploration game Starfield was not coming out in the spring as many expected, but is now coming out in September 2023.

There’s also chat about some of the other games Jason has been playing recently, including Hogwarts Legacy and Atomic Heart, which I tout some smaller games on the Switch from the last year that I’ve been waiting years to play, the grifting game set in Revolutionary France Card Shark and Sports Story, the long-awaited sequel to Golf Story.

The show concludes with a discussion of terrestrial radio, which Jason worked in before becoming a full-time streamer. How did radio stations cope during lockdown and has the fight against things like podcasts, streaming music and satellite radio meant radio as we knew it in the 20th century will never be the same again?

Jason was a great guest, so we hope he’ll come back on the show in the future, maybe when Starfield debuts later this year.

Episode Ninety - Paper Mache, Confetti and Kings

Episode Ninety - Paper Mache, Confetti and Kings
Special Guest Star - Andre Segers
Animal Crossing in action (or is that inaction).

Animal Crossing in action (or is that inaction).

We welcome GameXplain’s Andre Segers (@andresegers) to the pod for the first time to chat about past, present and future of some video games.

First up is the new Paper Mario game, The Origami King. It’s a spoiler filled discussion, so if you haven’t finished the game yet, this section starts around 03:10 and goes until 22:36. We discuss the story, the characters (old and new), the bosses, the game play, the music and how it compares to past games in the series, including the loved Thousand Year Door and no so loved Sticker Star.

Then, we talk about the phenomenon that is Animal Crossing. Just how was this the perfect to be released when the world was sequestered in their homes and how even Andre’s mom became an AC player. We talk about the updates, Andrew recreating a movie scene on his island, the ennui that sets in after playing daily for months and what might the future hold for the game. For context, we recorded the show the day before the August update came out.

We discuss the next generation of consoles, did the recent trailers from Sony and Microsoft really make either of us want to get a Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X at launch and what if anything is coming for the Switch the rest of 2020.

We close out with some retro gaming talk, including reminiscing about the Nintendo 64, Sony Dreamcast, text based game and getting Japanese imports. Andre also talked about the upcoming 200th episode of GameXplain’s Real Talk podcast. Check out @Gamexplain on YouTube for much of what we talked about on the pod and more.