Episode Fifty-Two - In Like Quinn

Episode Fifty-Two - In Like Quinn
Special Guest Star: Matt Fraction
From Casanova Avarita by Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba.(c) 2017 Milkfed Criminial Masterminds, Inc.

From Casanova Avarita by Matt Fraction and Gabriel Ba.

(c) 2017 Milkfed Criminial Masterminds, Inc.

Writer Matt Fraction joins the podcast to talk baseball and comics. We discuss the Cubs World Series win, growing up a Cubs fan, the future of Cubs fandom, becoming a soccer fan in Portland, and the 1985 Bears. Turning to comics, we discuss Casanova, his long-running Image book. We talk about the 1960s spy influences, Howard Chaykin and American Flagg, metatextual references in the series, working on the series with Gabriel Ba (@gabirel_ba) and Fabio Moon (@fabiomoon) and more.  Then we talk about ODY-C, his gender-flipping space opera retelling of the Odyssey. We discuss its creation, working with artist Christian Ward (@cjwardart) and more.  We end with discussing potential upcoming TV work for Matt and Kelly Sue DeConnick (@kellysue), pitfalls of comics adaptations on the big/small screen, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, the gone-but-not-forgotten Fantastic Four twitter and being off social media. You can get the Mllkfed Criminal Masterminds newletter at milkfed.us.  Special thanks to Kit Cox for all her help in arranging the interview.