Episode Thirty-Seven - Sim Sim Sallabim

Episode Thirty-Seven - Sim Sim Sallabim
Special Guest Star: Jeff Parker
Here comes trouble. Future Quest 1 by Parker, Shaner and Bellaire. (C) 2016 Hanna-Barbera.

Here comes trouble. Future Quest 1 by Parker, Shaner and Bellaire. (C) 2016 Hanna-Barbera.

Jeff Parker (@jeffparker) joins the show to talk about current and past work. We start with Future Quest, the DC/Hanna-Barbera team-up with Jonny Quest, Space Ghost and a raft of others. We discuss the book's creation, including the role played by Darwyn Cooke and continuing to work with (among others) Doc Shaner (@docshaner) and Jordie Bellaire (@whoajordie), who all worked together on the Shazam Convergence book. We also discuss working on the book with artist Steve Rude (@steverudeart), who drew the 1987 Space Ghost comic. Then, it's on to Batman '66, how the book started, getting image rights to the actors from the TV show, working with artists like Jonathan Case (@Jonathan_Case) and past pod Collen Coover (@colleencoover), the Batman/Man from UNCLE team-up and which villains were the most fun to write. There's also chat about Agents of Atlas, Flash Gordon, the Marvel Adventures books, the story behind the "Galactus playing baseball" in Marvel Adventures 26, Underground, Meteor Men and more. To wrap up, more Jonny Quest talk, including favorite monsters and bad guys, including how to modernize a yellow peril villain like Doctor Zin and the great Jonny Quest documentary on Youtube.