Episode Sixteen - Facacta Schnooks

Episode Sixteen - Facacta Schnooks
Special Guest Stars: Richard Deitsch, Leonard F Chikarason

It's an Old School Howard Stern Show Tribute episode. Lots of talk about Cookie Puss, Larry Fine Marge Schott, the jetty, apologies, Ham Hands Bill and more. We put the explicit tag on just to be safe, so if you might be offended, we won't mind if you sit this one out.

1:20 - Richard Deitsch (@RichardDeitsch) from Sports Illustrated talk Stern Show and sports media including co-hosting Prime Time Sports in Toronto with Bob McCown (@fadoobobcat), PTS without Stephen Brunt, is John Shannon polarizing to listeners?, US vs Canada sports talk philosophies, calls vs no calls on sports talk. We also talk about his SI Media Podcast interview with Paul Heyman, his eras of wrestling fandom, wrestling journalism, Dave Meltzer (@davemeltzerWON), Frank Deford and the National, the death of Grantland, Blazer Con and love for the Men in Blazers (@meninblazers) and more.

36:12 - Leonard F Chikarason (@LFCHikarason) talks old school Stern, when he started listening, the Negligee and Underpants Party video tape, Jackie era vs Artie era and we list some of our favorite bits.  Note: We ran long with Leonard, so the rest of his interview, talking comics, wrestling, Marvel Puzzle Quest and the Longbox Heroes (@Longboxheroes) podcast will be in the next episode, posting in a few days.