Episode Seventeen - What's a Cubit?

What's a Cubit?
Special Guest Star: Leonard F Chikarason
The Goddamned. (c) 2015 Golgonooza Inc and rmGuéra.

The Goddamned. (c) 2015 Golgonooza Inc and rmGuéra.

The Mark Millar/Phil Hester era Swamp Thing. (c) 2015 DC Comics. Cover by John Totleben

The Mark Millar/Phil Hester era Swamp Thing. (c) 2015 DC Comics. Cover by John Totleben

Sargon sketch by Mark Millar at 1996 SD Comicon.

Sargon sketch by Mark Millar at 1996 SD Comicon.

The second part of our interview with Longbox Heroes (@LongboxHeroes) co-host and wrestling commentator Leonard F Chikarason (@LFChikarason), held over from last show. We talk about (!:05) the revival of Mystery Science Theater 3000, when you realize a piece of popular culture is no longer for you, (17:50) Jason Aaron (@jasonaaron) and r.m. Guéra's The Goddamned, Thors and Secret Wars, changing art styles at Marvel and DC, (35:01) a discussion of the Mark Millar (@mrmarkmillar) and Phil Hester (@philhester) run on Swamp Thing, reminiscing about 90s DC buried treasures like Chase, Chronos and Primal Force and (43:09) commiserations and strategies for Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Our planned talk about the late Nick Bockwinkel with magazine contributor Matt had to be postponed due to holiday scheduling issues. It will take place on an upcoming episode.